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Useful Videos

Myofunctional Therapy UK is committed to the provision of evidence-based clinical treatment.
 In this page you will find useful videos providing information validating Myofunctional Therapy as a key adjunctive to optimal oral and airway health.

Why Sleep Matters

Matthew Walker | Google

Shut your Mouth and Change your Life

Patrick McKeown | TEDxGalway

Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain

Dana Sterling | LIFE TALK

The Neurological Consequences of a Misfit Mouth on Sleep

Jerald Simmons | TEDxSugarLand

Let's Tongue Up! 

Yue Weng Cheu | TEDxSingapore

Dr. John Flutter: Negative Impact of Mouth Breathing in Children, Breathing Conference Karolinska Institute 2014


Exercises for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
(Myofunctional Therapy)

This video provides throat (oropharyngeal) exercises for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea. These exercises tighten up your throat and stop it from collapsing, which can cause Sleep Apnoea and Snoring


British Society of Myofunctional Therapy Logo
British Sleep Society. UK Multidisciplinary Sleep Professionals logo
Association for NLP/ANLP logo
Proffesional Member of the International Of Tongue-tie Proffesionals logo.
The British Medical Acupuncture Society logo
Breathe Institute Ambassador 2019

Our clinical team are proud members of the following organisations and societies, meaning they keep up to date with their clinical and professional development.

Think Tree.png
ICO compliance logo.png
Buteyko Clinic International logo. Certified Practitioner in UK
Myo Munchee_Logo_Certified Provider and Educator


© 2017 Myofunctional Therapy UK

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